4 Eastbourne Lifestyle NEWS
The new Cineworld
We have been so excited for the
new Cineworld to open and it was
worth the wait! It is amazing. The
seats are better. The screens are
HUGE. There is so much mre leg
room. Not to mention the sound.
Get yourself down there ASAP.
caspers boutique
There is a new independant
boutique in Eastbourne and you
can find it at 12 Old Crown Street
in old Town.
They have a wide variety of things
in stock from clothes, furniture,
cushions and much much more.
You can follow Caspers Boutique
on Facebook to see what they
have available. Just search Caspers
Half Man Half Burger
is closed
We were so sad to hear that there
was a fire at Half Man Half Burger
that has caused them to close the
restaurant for the time being.
The fire started in the bar/ seating
area and caused quite a bit of
damage, although they don’t know
the full extent of it yet.
We can’t wait for you guys to reopen
we will be there on the day
waiting for our chilli fries and