What inspired you to start Essential Beauty? And
the year you started?
* As a young qualified beauty therapist I had
always imagined I would work in the city and
eventually work my way up the ladder in a large
company; this was until 2011 when I realised there
was a huge gap in the beauty industry locally that I
believed I could fill.
Whats obstacles did you have in the beginning
and how did you overcome them?
* I didn’t have much in the way of savings and
I didn’t want to go into a start up business with
a large amount of debt so money was definitely
something that held me back a little in the early
days. I always had faith that I could make the business
a success if I worked hard at it so I consistently
put in long hours and worked 6 days a week
to build up my finances to ensure that one day I
could make my vision become a reality.
Your business has grown so much over the years,
why do you think it has been so successful? and
what keeps you motivated?
* Eight years down the line I still have a genuine
passion for my business and the beauty & spa
industry as a whole. Both my passion and my
vision is shared with my team of highly skilled
therapists who provide a five star experience for
our clients; so whether a client’s visit to Essential
Beauty is for an indulgent treat or for everyday
preening, our aim is to go above and beyond to
ensure maximum client satisfaction.
How did you know it was time to expand your
salon to bigger premises?
* After two years of working independently at
Essential Beauty in a small treatment room, I
gained loyal clientele and a long waiting list. In
time, I had the money behind me required to take
on my own premises where I could employ additional
therapists. This was a similar situation
two years on from this when it was clear that the
demand was only growing and I needed to take
the leap and expand the business on a much larger
scale to a new premises going from 2 employees to
now 12.
Gabriella Hill
10 Eastbourne Lifestyle