Hansa Reiki
✩ What is Reiki and why should you go? I take a little trip
to Hansa Reiki to find out more ✩
Before we go any further here is a little bit about reiki itself - Reiki is a healing practice, which works on putting
positive energies back into your body and helps you to rebalance, which we all need from time to time.
Some of the benefits of reiki include, but are not
limited to -
• Promoting health and wellbeing
• Reducing stress and anxiety
• Relaxing the mind and body
And here is my experience -
A couple of months ago, when I walked into my first
reiki appointment, I had only heard of reiki in
16 Eastbourne Lifestyle
random conversations and I didn’t
really know what to expect. I knew it
was something to do with energies, but
what that was I has no idea, but I
wanted to find out more.
So when I heard about
Hansa through Facebook, I
immediately jumped at the
chance to find out more.
When I arrived, Hansa gave
me a warm welcome and
then sat me down to have
a chat about what reiki
actually was and what my
expectations were from my time with
her. Which stumped me because I had
no idea what to expect or what I needed
help with, if anything.
After the initial chat, Hansa then went
on to explain that she does hands on
reiki because she believes the power of
touch is very therapeutic and