Chapter 12
Wine Bar amd Kitchnen
We headed on over to Hailsham
a few weeks a go for dinner at
Chapter 12. We’ve been
following them for a while over
on Instagram and loved every
single post that they have shared.
The food and the cocktails all
looked amazing.
So of course we had to go for
a visit to see what they have to
offer and we think that you all
should take a taxi over right now
and try it for yourself. We had
such a lovely evening. It is such a
great venue with a lovely
atmosphere that would be perfect
for this time of year. You could
find yourself there all day long on
a rainy lazy Sunday, just sipping
wine and chilling out.
What we loved the most is that
everything from the alcohol to
the food ingredients is
locally sourced. They have a page
on the back of the menu called
Food Miles and they list how far
everything that they are serving
is from. Obviously this is great
for local businesses and we also
discovered a few gins that are
locally sourced, which we didn’t
even know existed.
For the review we made sure to
try a variety of dishes so that we
could share some different
options. Firstly up was
42 Eastbourne Lifestyle