My PhiBrows were created in two
appointments. At the first
appointment I had a chat with
Kara about what I was getting
myself into and she told me all
about how PhiBrows worked and
what I could expect from her
during and after the appointment.
Kara suggested some areas where
she thought she would be able to
make some improvements in my
eyebrows - hello 90s over plucked
brows. In the end I decided that
Kara knew what she was
doing and that I would leave it in
her capable hands. Kara then set
about creating the actual brow
using a very clever measurements
that you get with all PhiBrows. The
measurement part of the process
took about an hour in total and
she mapped out my new eyebrows.
Once that was done, Kara got out
her phone and used a PhiBrows
app that checks the measurements
and symmetry before she moved
on to the next stage. Then it was
my turn to see what the mapped
eyebrows looked like. I think to
the untrained eye (me), it just
looks like someone has drawn on
your face. So it’s hard to tell if you
will like the new brow as it just
looks like ink. However I could
tell that they were
symmetrical and thicker and
longer, so I was happy and keen to
move on to the next stage.
The next stage was the actual
microblading. There was no
anaesthetic used for the first stage
as it would have wiped away the
new eyebrow markings. So you
have to be brave girls. Just
kidding it didn’t actually hurt.
Don’t get me wrong, you can
definitely feel it, but it just makes
your eyes water. It is completely
bearable and finished before you
know it. Now that you news brows
have been outlined it is time to fill
them in and time for the
anaesthetic, which was absolutely
brilliant. It’s a very random
sensation as you can still feel
what’s happening and you know
that there is some scratching going
on. It’s actually quite a
relaxing process, which might
sound a bit strange, but I really
enjoyed it.
Filling out the eyebrow took about
another hour. I was excited to see
your new brows. Which I
absolutely loved. You can see from
the pictures, that I left with a dif-ferent
brow shaped and I La La
LOVED them.
After the treatment Kara then
went onto explain the aftercare,
which is very important for the
longevity of your brows. Your end
eyebrow is very dependant on how
you take care of them afterwards.
You are given a Phi wipe, which is
used each hour after your
appointment to wipe away
18 Eastbourne Lifestyle