Stay Safe, Stay Active, Stay Connected

Stay safe, stay active, stay connected

During these uncertain times we may find ourselves at home; our routines have changed; our work patterns have changed; our home lives. It is important that we look after our physical and mental well-being

Here are some tips I hope will help you.

1. Breathe
Find a comfortable place to sit with some calming music. Relax your shoulders and the tension within you. Notice your breathing. Take a deep breath in and hold for 5 seconds, slowly breathe out and feel the tension leave your body. Each time you breathe in bring in calm and peace. Each time you breathe out let go of your worries and anxieties.
Repeat this for 5 minutes and do it every day

2. Keep connected
We may be at home but we have a digital world at our finger tips! Stay connected with one another. Phone friends and family; use skype; zoom. The best thing you can do is talk to one another and reach out. Perhaps agree a time every day that you will ring one another.

3. Keep Active
We live on the beautiful Southcoast and have the seafront and beach. And it’s free! Go for a walk, into the woods, go running. It’s important to keep active but remember to keep your distance.
Potter about in the garden.
Perhaps you could think of fun activities you could do as a family!
Use this time to enjoy the outdoors whilst keeping safe.

4. Limit the news and what you are reading
Be mindful of how much time you are spending on social media and listening to the news. Perhaps just do this once a day so you’re not overloaded and worried. Be careful of what you are reading and listening to as there is so much fake news out there

5. Have breaks from social media and be aware of what triggers you
Social media can trigger our anxieties and worries so take breaks away from it. Put your phone down and do something different. Be mindful what and who you are following and limit this. Hide facebook posts which you feel are overwhelming. Don’t feel you need to join every group. Mute accounts

6. Hobbies
This is a great time to take up a new hobby or do something you love. Reading, writing, knitting, sewing, DIY/painting, baking. Perhaps these are things you can do together as a family

Lots of people are offering online classes so it’s a great opportunity to try something new in the comfort of your own home. Make the most of the time you have

7. Reach out
You’re probably not the only person feeling worried or anxious. So don’t be afraid to reach out if you need help or reach out to someone you know
There are also national helplines and local community groups

8. Stick to a routine
Try and keep a routine to your day and stay healthy. This means eat healthy, have regular meals, drink lots of water. Keep to your sleep routine. But also allow yourself some time to relax. To have times that are not structured.

Holding Space is providing online support sessions for those struggling with their mental health. All details can be found on our facebook page with the links to join in. We will continue to provide a safe, confidential space for you to chat and connect.

Hansa Raja-Jones
Founder Holding Space
Facebook: Eastbourneholdingspace

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