Back To School With TK Maxx

back to scholl supplies from tk maxx

We don’t go to school or university anymore, but we absolutely love stocking up on new stationary each year. New pens, new folders, new notebooks, you name it, we buy it. So today we thought we’d share with you, our favourite stationary haunt. We make, almost weekly stop offs at TK Maxx. The stationary is fab and always changing. Today we picked up a clear clip board with gold stripes on it, with a quote. Absolutely no need for it, but it was cute, we must say. Also, we got a box of thank you cards, because you never know when you’ll be needing those and we also got a wall planner. It’s gold and sticks on the wall and also peels away when you’re fed up of it. Will you be buying any school supplies from TK Maxx?


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