Lets Talk Aldi Beauty Dupes

Lets talk Aldi beauty dupes

We’re 100% not ones to get sucked into dupes as the originals always seem to be the best, however we got sucked in, in Aldi recently at the beauty section.

We will be sharing more products as and when we have had long enough to test them out, but today we will telling you about the dupe of Clinique’s moisture surge – Lacura moisture boost. At just £4.99, we really weren’t expecting too much, but YOLO.

And let us tell you ladies and gents – it is great! Honestly our fave moisturiser ATM. First up it feels so nice and cool when it goes on. Super refreshing for the skin. It is the same texture as the moisture surge, same colour and same premise. But it doesn’t have the same immediate hydrating effect that we feel Clinique’s version had.

But that is our only negative.

We’ve been using this in the morning before make up and let us tell you – make up is going on flawlessly! Skin definitely look sway more dewy and to be honest we are completely sold on this dupe.

So if you see any in Aldi on your weekly food shop grab a couple, grab 10, stock up and tell your friends.

Have you tried any of the Aldi dupes? Let us know what you thought.

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