Wyntercon 2020 Has Been Cancelled

Wyntercon 2020 has been cancelled

The Wyntercon organisers  have announced over their social channels that Wyntercon 2020 has been cancelled. For the obvious reasons of course.

They have said on Facey ….

“We are deeply disappointed that this year’s event has been cancelled but we are looking forward to bringing you a bigger bolder Wyntercon event in 2021.”

They continue to say

“We are investigating the possibility of holding a separate “minicon” at the end of 2020 involving creative workshops, cosplay and a craft fair. We cannot promise anything yet but we will make a further announcement on this as soon as we can.”

Fingers crossed they can get that all sorted for your Wyntercon fans.

For any updates on future events – make sure to follow Wyntercon on Facebook here.

Image via the Wyntercon Facebook page here.

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