9 Reasons You Won’t Want To Miss Wyntercon 2018

9 reasons you won’t want to miss this weekends Wyntercon 2018

1.Wand Workshops
We mean, we’ve already done this at Harry Potter world and we has sooooooo much fun. You can jump on a wand workshop during the weekend and learn how to protect yourself if the need ever pops up. You can read more about it here.

2. Jedi Style Fight School 
This sounds pretty cool. You get to have light sabre duals. Which is probably every adult mans dream come true. You can read more about the Jedi fight school here.

3. Potion Creating Workshops 
Uh yes please. You will find us creating some potions. How cool is that! We’ve been watching Harry Potter every Saturday that it has been on so far so this is right up our street. You can read about potion creating here.

4. The Iron Throne Photo Ops
Any Game of Throne fans here? of course there are. You’ll be happy to know that the Iron throne will be there throughout the weekend for you to take the perfect selfie for the gram. Even better if you’re wearing a costume on the day. What a great picture that will be.

5. Chrome Key Photography
There will be a photo booth available on the day that will be able to transport you to the Starship or a picture op with a storm trooper. We know that there will be a queue at this one.

6. Dave The Baby T-Rex
Dave the baby T-Rex will be there during the weekend. Dave is apparently an animated T-Rex who you can go and say hi to if you see him around. He will also be leaving some secret stones around the venue, so keep and eye out for them.

7. Special Guests 
There will be loads of special guests there all weekend. We don’t know who they are, but you can check out the line up here.

8. Circus Skills Zone 
Anyone fancy testing out their circus skills? Well you can do just that at the Circus Skills Zone. You never know, you might just find something that you are GREAT at.

9. Thanos And His Throne 
Thanos and his throne will be there. We’re not 100% what that actually means, but we’re sure you guys will know exactly what we are talking about.

You can follow the Wyntercon events page on facebook where you can keep up to date with all of the weekends events here.


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