This is a bit of a weird post, even by our standards, but today we decided to address canned wine. We don’t even drink wine in a carton, so never in a million years did we think we’d be drinking wine from a can. We also didn’t think it would taste any good, but boy were we wrong. Let us introduce you to Pinot Pinot Sparkling – which is sparkling pinot grigo. We have to admit, we only bought this drink because we loved the packaging. It’s £2.25, so it definitely wasn’t for the price. We decided to buy a couple and drink them one sunny afternoon in the garden. They are so good!!!!! You have to try them – 100%. So if you don’t want to open a whole bottle of prosecco or lugging around a full size glass bottle isn’t on the cards – this Pinot Pinot is your answer.
Currently only stocked in Sainsbury’s, so get yourself down there quickly before the rest of the world finds out.
This stuff is so good – we 100% recommend that you grab yourself a can or 5 ASAP.