Under 10s No Longer Allowed At The Mad Catter

Under 10s no longer allowed at The Mad Catter

Just for those of you who might be unaware – The Mad Catter cat cafe will no longer allow children under the age of 10 into the cafe.

” After trialling having children in our cat cafe we have made the tough decision to implement a minimum age of 10 years old due to the welfare of our cats and their happiness. We shall honour any current bookings however bookings made from today onwards we will not be able to take under 10’s. Thank you for your understanding and apologies for any upset this may cause 😻 “

To stay up to date with all things to do with the cat cafe – you can follow them on Facebook here.

You can meet the cats at The Mad Catter cat cafe in the latest issue of Eastbourne Lifestyle’s magazine here.

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