TV Guide 30.01.23

Monday 30th Jan
BBC3; Back to Life, 10pm
New season for the comedy show where a woman is struggling to fit back in to normal life after being in prison.

Tuesday 31st Jan
BBC2; Emily Atack: Asking for it?, 9pm
Throughout lockdown, actress and comedian Emily Atack received a lot of online abuse which escalated dramatically so she began to question whether she should be just accepting what was happening to her.

Wednesday 1st Feb 
C5; The Catch, 9pm
We’re very confused after episode one, so of course we will be watching tonight. Ed is still reeling from the discovery he made on the boat and confides in Bob, who tells him that he has CCTV footage which suggests George could be behind the sabotage.

Thursday 2nd Feb
BBC1; The Apprentice, 9pm
This week the candidates are tasked with branding an electronic motorbike.

Friday 3rd Feb
Film4; Failure to Launch, 7.10pm
Romantic comedy starring Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker, where the parents of a 30 something year old son are desperate to get him to move out.

Saturday 4th Feb
C4; Jojo Rabbit, 9pm
A brilliant war time satire movie. Worth the watch if you haven’t seen it.

Sunday 5th Feb
BBC1; Happy Valley, 9pm
Catherine works her final shift and her grandson has a tough decision to make.

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