Top 9 Christmas Movies On Netflix

It’s slim pickings for Christmas movies on Netflix this year we’re afraid. They have an awful lot of hallmark channel movies on the list at the moment and only a few classics like Home Alone, Jungle all the Way (if that can be described as a classic) and also one of our favourite Christmas movies Scrooged. Did we forget to mention Die Hard is classed as a Christmas movie – who knew – but that’s also made into on to the list – because everyone has different tastes right. We’ve picked the best of a bad bunch, but we had to share as we secretly like the Hallmark ones – is that bad?

Home Alone
We all know about Kevin and his wish for his family to disappear. We’ve already watched it and we can’t wait to unpack Home Alone 2 – because we kind of prefer that one.

Jingle All The Way
Pretty biased with this are all massive Arnie fans. Arnie spends his Christmas eve searching for the latest sell out Christmas toy, which he doesn’t get thanks to an evil mail man. It’s the usual – obstacles, everything falls apart, Arne wins the day and saves Christmas. We know all the words and it’s tradition to watch it on the first Sunday in December – so that is what we’ll be doing this weekend obviously.

Happy Christmas
Anna Kendrick stars in this movie (you know that girl from Twilight) She splits up with her boyfriend just before Christmas (sob) and tries to start over, but her self destructive behaviour gets in the way (bla bla bla).

A Very Murray Christmas
And evening of music, music and barroom camaraderie for  a holiday variety show. Another one we haven’t watched – we probably won’t but it’s an option.

If you haven’t yet seen this one you really do need to have a watch. It’s great, we love it and it is another must watch. We probably watch this one at least 4 times throughout December and also on Christmas day because we love it that much. It’s about a cold hearted tv exec – who is about to discover the true meaning of Christmas – the hard way.

Arthur Christmas
One for the kiddos – At santa clause’s secret toy making facility, Mr Claus trusts his son – Arthur – to carry out an important Christmas mission – of course. Not one we have seen before, but we might check it out.

Die Hard
Who knew – who actually knew that this could be classed as a Christmas movie. But it involves Christmas so maybe a new one for you to consider.

All I Want For Christmas
This movie came out back in 1991, but we haven’t seen it. We may just watch it tonight because that’s how wild our Friday nights get. This one is about a brother and sister who are hoping that their divorecd parents get back together in time for Christmas- so we shall see how that one pabns out – any guesses?

A Christmas Detour
This one is Hallmark channel at it’s best. Take one lady who is engaged to a really rich guy and going to meet his parents on christmas eve. Add one snow storm and one cute guy  – and you get a little Christmas miracle ha ha! Maybe save this one for when you’re really bored.

Have we missed any you think should be on this list? Let us know! We got bored looking!

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