Spooky Houses To Visit When Trick Or Treating This Halloween In Eastbourne

Spooky houses to visit when trick or treating this Halloween in Eastbourne 

330 Brodrick Road 
More information here
5pm – 9pm
Image via the events Facebook page here

107 Cavarly Crescent
More information here
6pm onwards
“There will be sweets and cakes on a table for the trick or treaters also if you want to go in the stock’s and pay 50p your mum or dad can take a picture of you all proceeds we get will go to the hospice,also there will be a bucket to raise money,last year we raised money for Macmillan cancer”
Image via the events Facebook page

Greenfield Road
Head on over to Greenfield Road and check out the haunted house decorations. It looks so cool, we’ll definitely be heading down.

Victoria Gardens
They have quite a display going on. Check them out.

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