Shut The Front Door There Is A Christmas Dog Show Happening In Eastbourne

Shut the front door – there is a Christmas dog show happening in Eastbourne

This one is news to us, but we just stumbled across it. During Little Christmas in Little Chelsea there will be a Christmas dog show! (Dec 6th)

Yes, a Christmas dog show. This has possibly made our whole year. How cute will all the dogs look in Christmas outfits!

There will be 2 dog show categories to enter into and they are –

1. Best Dressed Xmas Dog
2. Best Dressed Xmas Dog & Xmas owner

Entries are £1 per category and there will be prizes and certificates on the night.

There is no need to pre-book. Simply turn up and register at 5.30pm for the main show, which will start at 6pm next to the stage / council entrance at 1 Grove Rd.

Eeeeeeeek – we can’t wait!

You can check out the events Facebook page here for more information.

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