Seeking Mental Health Support….

With the recent suicide of Caroline Flack, Mental health is very much at the fore front of people’s minds.

My name is Dr Claire Stubbs and I am a Counselling Psychologist working locally in Eastbourne and London.

Contemplating psychotherapy or counselling can be a daunting and confusing process, whether for you or for someone else. With one in four people experiencing a mental health difficulty, and the demand for psychotherapy increasing, you are certainly not alone. Different reasons bring people to therapy and at various times and stages of life. People often ask me what area I specialise in, and I usually say, “trying to support people to understand and navigate being human and the complexities and challenges that can entail”.

Life can be tough and sometimes we just need that extra bit of support to help us through. I am a strong advocate that therapy is not about changing you, it’s about enabling you to be the person that you are, rather than the person that you have felt you have had to be, within a safe and supportive environment.

You may be curious about the following and hopefully the responses will help ease your concerns.

  1. How will therapy help?

The following is a testimony from a young woman aged 15 who accessed my service, and of course everyone’s experience is unique.

‘Talking with Claire really helped me to open up, as I am quite a closed and shy person, and to release all the emotions that I was feeling within and had been feeling for many years.

Though it was a secure and confidential environment, it also did not at any point feel like an interrogation or a criticism and was really aimed at benefiting me. I felt comfortable and safe whilst I was at my most vulnerable. I found that walking while talking was very helpful as you had the sea and the fresh air to calm you and it was more relaxed. I have never liked sitting in an office, with a queue of anxious people waiting outside, clock ticking and a person who tries to be genuine but just isn’t, pressurising you to go places you don’t want to. With Claire it was the opposite and it you could tell that she really did care and truly did want to help- it was like talking to a friend. I would definitely recommend Claire to others. She has helped me immensely not just in the short term but in the long term also- I have learned that it’s okay to be vulnerable and to value myself and my own opinion. ‘

  1. What will we talk about in the first session?

In the initial session we will explore what has brought you to therapy now and what you would like to gain from coming. Together we will think through what your immediate short-term needs are and also how what we do therapeutically will support you long term. The relationship between us is so important in terms of supporting you to get what you need and therefore so vital in that initial session that you feel comfortable about working together.

  1. What if I change my mind or it doesn’t feel right after the first session?

How you feel is so important. If for whatever reason it feels overwhelming or the fit between us doesn’t feel right, then that’s okay. Coming for an initial session doesn’t obligate you. It’s an opportunity for you to see if I am the right person for you to be working with, and vital that you feel comfortable and safe. We can talk it through and whatever you decide is absolutely your prerogative and I will support you in any way I can moving forward.

  1. How will I know if it is working?

There will be a review of the therapy after six sessions to ensure that you are getting from it what you need, and if there is anything that you would like to change. The therapy will very much be influenced by your involvement and engagement in the process in and outside of the therapy room, as much as the relationship between us. It can be tough working through your difficulties and things may be harder before they are easier.

I was a youth worker prior to my training as a psychologist and feel really enthusiastic about working with and supporting young people aged 11+. I also have experience working with children from 5-11.

When I work with young people, I am passionate about the system that the young person or child is part of and looking at challenges or opportunities that exist within their system that could support change, whether at school, in the family or wider community. Therefore, I will not be working with the young person in isolation. This is crucial in ensuring that the young person does not see themselves as “the problem.” We all exist within a context, and to only focus on the individual can be both oppressive and limiting in terms of supporting long term, sustainable change.

I can provide a range of services including individual psychological therapy, couples therapy, therapy for children and young people, group therapy programmes, training that focuses on a wide range of mental health and wellbeing topics and supervision. I specialise in eating difficulties and trauma.

Information for all services and more detail can be found at

To arrange an informal chat or make an appointment please contact

Take care and Be Kind…to you and those close by

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