Our Fave Candles From B&M

We get an awful lot of questions about the candles that we post on social media and even more so recently. All the candles that we have posted about have been from B&M, which we have also had millions of questions about.

The candles are only £2.99 which is so good considering the size and also the smell that they give off, which is perfect. A lot of them really don’t smell that nice in the jar, but smell beautiful when burning. These are out current faves and we’ve stocked up hugely as we know these ones are seasonal scents.

Our closest B&M is down at The Ravenside retail park in Bexhill, it’s situated next to the Tesco in the corner. So head on down and see what they have in store. Just be warned it’s ridiculously bus at the weekends after midday. Also they close at 4pm on a Sunday.

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