Movie Review: War Dogs

movie review of war dogs
So, not our usual kind of movie choice, but we did hear some good review about War Dogs and it also had Bradley Cooper, not starring, but acting and that is all we needed to know.  What we didn’t know about the movie was that is was based on a true story – which was printed as a Rolling Stones article called “Arms and the Dudes”.

The movie is based around childhood best friends – Efraim Diveroli (Jonah Hill) and David Packouz (Miles Teller), who meet up again later on in life after not being allowed to be friends anymore due to Efraim’s bad behaviour. After they rekindled their friendship Efraim lets David in on his secret – Arms dealing in the Iraq war. Efraim spends his time looking for small contracts to supply the American Government with arms. As the movie goes on they become less satisfied with the money that they are making, get greedy and go for a HUGE contract – which will provide millions.

They get screwed over and give the US Army Chinese supplied arms – which apparently isn’t allowed. That’s kind of where our understanding of the movie ends. It all goes wrong, the FBI are involved, people go to prison – and it’s all down to the cardboard box man.

It is a good movie, don’t get us wrong, but we feel that there was something missing, although we don’t know what. Maybe we didn’t pay enough attention, we asked a lot of questions throughout, but we’d love to hear what your thoughts are.


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