Movie Review: Spiral

Movie Review – Spiral

When we first heard that there was going to be a 9th Saw movie – we had no intention whatsoever in going to watch it. Although we love the franchise – there were some really bad versions – Saw 5,6 & 7 we’re looking at you! And with movie 8 – it all seemed to be wrapped up in a neat little killing bow.

But boredom got the better of us and we had to go and see it at the cinema. And boy are we glad we did. It was good! Like the first ever Saw movie good. Not as jumpy mind and not as gory, but that is probably because we all know what to expect by now!

This time round the movie starred Chris Rock, Samuel L Jackson and Max Minghella (the dude from Handmaids tale). They are all detectives – no surprise as it seems like the Jigsaw killer is back and it needs investigating STAT! This time though, the victims are detectives – corrupt detectives and they are being killed off one by one – thanks to their previous corrupt sins. The whole thing revolves around Detective Banks – lead detective on the case – and none the wiser to what is happening. Now that is all we can say – except that you will be kept guessing as to who the new Jigsaw killer is. You will also be super shocked when you find out!

We loved it – defo recommend.

Book your tickets here.

Image via Cineworld 

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