Movie Review: 1917

Movie review: 1917

We finally got to see 1917 last night and it was definitely worth the wait. We only knew what we saw in the trailers, wo we had a vague ides of the storyline and what to expect when the movie started. What we didn’t expect was for the movie itself to be so atmospheric. The music, the setting, the filming was incredible. We can’t say that they nailed it, because we weren’t alive during the war, but the whole movie had us engrossed in the journey of the 2 young soldiers, whilst they are off trying to save hundreds of other soldiers who were about to be sent to their death.

We really enjoyed the movie and loved that it was stories told by someones Grandad. We left chatting about the trenches, how far No man’s land actually was and what on earth was in those bags in the German trenches. Which we are now off to Google, because it’s annoying us.

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