Movie Of The Week: Yesterday

Movie of the week: Yesterday

What a movie!!!!! If you’ve seen the trailer, you will know what is going to happen in the movie, but for those who haven’t …. The movie looks at a the life of Jack Malik who is hit by a bus when the world has a full on power cut. When he wakes up, he finds out that he now lives in a world where The Beatles do not exist – no one recognises the famous songs and it seems that Jack Malik is the only person who does. After trying to remember all the songs and the lyrics James decided to give his singing career one last chance, by passing The Beatles songs off as his own. Which he does very well, with the help of the one and only Ed Sheeran. We will leave it there so that you can have a few surprises and enjoy the movie. What we will say it is 100% worth the watch and it is funny all the way through. Also, make some space on your iphone because you will be downloading the album as soon as you leave the cinema.

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