It’s Goodbye From The Burger Box

It’s goodbye from The Burger Box

The Burger Box was launched a few months a go now, during lockdown, providing burger boxes delivered straight to your front door. But with life looking to getting back to normal or the new normal they have had to close The Burger Box doors.

Here’s what they said on Insta …

After a short but great few months of The burger box we are sad to say we will be closing our order books for the foreseeable future. We knew this time would come and it’s been a hard pill to swallow, but with restrictions slowly lifting, and work life resuming again we knew between Adams cheffing job my two jobs and being parents we wasn’t going to be able to juggle it all, we want to take this last weekend before reality strikes again to enjoy it as a family. It’s been an amazing experience and we’ve thoroughly enjoyed sharing our love for good quality homemade food with you all and we hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have! We’ve also been lucky enough to have met some other amazing small local business owners along the way as well as some awesome supportive customers.

To read the full post click here.

Images via The Burger Box Insta here.

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