Is This The Best Pornstar Martini In Eastbourne?

Is this the best pornstar martini in Eastbourne? 

Over the weekend you may have seen over on Instagram (seen here), that we went for lunch at Dem Shish. We were there to do a review for the next issue of Eastbourne Lifestyle magazine, but we just couldn’t wait to tell you about the pornstar martini.

Like us you might think why? Once you’ve tried one pornstar martini you’ve tried them all. Well, that is 100% incorrect. At Dem Shish, they put their own spin on the cocktails and it made a HUGE difference. It may look the same, but the taste is a little bit less sharp and a teeny bit more sweeter and 100% more delicious.

We won’t tell you what the secret ingredient is, but if you’re a fan of this cocktail you have to have a taste of the Dem Shish version.

You can follow Dem Shish on Facebook here.

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