Homemade Creme Eggs

home made cream eggs
We have got a great little recipe for you today! It’s easy to make the kids will LOVE it and if you make it for your friends they’ll think you’ve gone to so much effort . Quite the Easter crowd pleaser. You don’t need your oven, just your fridge and egg holders and some little chicks.

What you’ll need: 
6 hollow chocolate eggs – preferably egg sized. (We got ours from Tesco – pack of 14)
150g cream cheese
1/4 cup icing sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup whipping cream
2 passion fruits
1 tsp apricot jam
1 tsp butter

homemade cream eggs
First step – grab a knife, run it under hot water and then slice off the top of the egg and eat it.

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Pop the eggs into your egg holders, we got ours from here, such cute little bucket egg holders.
Now lets get down to business – grab your cream cheese, vanilla extract, icing sugar and lemon juice, add all to a bowl and with an electric mixer, mix it all up. About a couple of minutes will do this, until light and fluffy.

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In another bowl mix the whipping cream, until it forms soft peaks. We’ve never seen this actually happen before, but you can tell when it’s done, just keep mixing until it gets all peaky. When that is done softly mix contents of both bowls together. When you’ve done that, grab a teaspoon and start adding the mixture into your chocolate eggs. Fill to the top and scrape off the excess.

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Now onto the yolk. Grab your passion fruits and get all the nice insides out. Once that is done, get a saucepan from the cupboard and you’ll also need a sieve.

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Pop the papaya insides into the sieve to get all the juiceyness, we don’t want any of the pips. Add the butter and apricot jam and heat up until all has melted.

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Now it’s time to add the yolks to your eggs. Make a little hole in the middle, use the other end of your teaspoon and then put the mixture into the hole. Et voila – home made cream eggs  or passion fruit cheesecake in a chocolate egg – up to you. Once all the yolks have been added, put the eggs into the fridge for around 15 minutes, then your good to chow down.

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Just look how cute they are – perfect cream eggs without having to leave the house!

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You can eat them all yourself and share, it’s up to you! We made another batch after this because …. well we wanted to eat more.

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Chicks and mini chocolate eggs can be found in Tesco next to all the Eater eggs.
If you give these a go – send us some pictures.

Recipe inspiration from here.



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