The Best Halloween Movies To Watch On Amazon Prime Right Now

The best Halloween movies to watch on Amazon Prime right now

The Cabin in the Woods
Strange so so strange and creepy. You’ll be on the edge of your seat the whole time. Plus Chris Hemsworth is in it, so it can’t be that bad right?

Thirty Days of Night
Josh Hartnett stars in this vampire horror movie. Where vampires head to Alaska where they are just about to go through thirty days of night. Super easy convenient for some vampires to just rock up and kill everyone. You’ll see no Twilight vampires here – they are pretty scare to be fair.

The reason we never went travelling. The movie follows two travellers who end up tricked and getting tortured. Such a fab horror movie back in the day.

American Psycho
The most stylish serial killer of all time, no? Funny in some parts, super disturbing in others. Pretty iconic. The scene where he is wearing a rain coat will have you cracking up.

Shaun of the Dead
This one is not so scary really and great if you like the thought of a zombie movie and without any scares. It will also have you chuckling away.

The Shining
This one still absolutely terrifies us and when never seem to remember what happens in it. So each time we watch it, it’s like the first time.

Sorority Row
Love this movie. Pretty terrible to be fair, but in a good way. It follows a group of sorority girls after a prank goes horribly wrong and someone ends up dead.

Final Destination
What and absolute classic. We’re talking about the original here although we wouldn’t say no to watching the 2nd one either. Just like Hostel left us too scared to go back packing this movie left us absolutely petrified of flying in a plane. Still a great watch though.

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