Get Your Tango Ice Blast Fix In Eastbourne

Get your Tango Ice Blast fix in Eastbourne

With the cinema closed for the time being, we’ve not been able to get our slushie fix – sob! But fear not, Londis on Grove Rd has opened up it’s doors to Eastbourne Annnnnnddddddd ……… they only have a Tango Ice Blast machine don’t they? Eeeeeeek!

We’re pretty excited by this. And it doesn’t stop there – also available is Freal milkshakes in 4 different flavours from what we can tell. The cookies and cream one sounds so good.

They also have some sort of vape station for anyone who might be interested in that.

Make sure to follow Londis on Instagram here to find out what other goodies they have in store.

Image via the Londis Eastbourne Instagram page here.

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