How Local Bride Hayley Trickett Dealt With Rain On Her Wedding day

Hayley Trickett didn’t let the crazy British weather ruin her beach wedding. As anticipated rain might have been an issue so they simply moved the wedding from the beach into the hotel.


We were getting married in July, so we kind of thought a beach wedding would be ok weather wise, but Mother Nature had other ideas and it rained all the way throughout the ceremony. However I was glad that the rain stopped just in time to take pictures outside on the beach with the bridal party and the rain eventually dried up as the day went on.
Thankfully the hotel where we were getting married were used to the changing weather and had a plan in place for such wet occasions.

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Halyley Elfick and Billy Trickett had hoped to exchange wedding vows on the beach at The Cooden Hotel in Bexhill. They had even anticipated a heels and pebbled beach issue and bought every guest flip flops for the event. “I’ve always loved the beach, Bexhill beach in particular, so getting married on the beach just seemed so perfect” says Hayley.

It didn’t dampen anyones spirits on the day though, we got married, we had a lovely ceremony, reception and party afterwards, with all of the people that we loved. It was the best day ever and it went by far too quickly.

You can read about the Trickett wedding in their previous wedding day post here.


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