Christmas Traditions: Lexi Taylor

lexi taylor christmas traditions 2
 “All I Want For Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey, Santa Baby and Last Christmas.
Drink: Mulled Wine or hot chocolate.
Party Dress: A sparkly dress that you could’t wear at any other time, covered up by my parka – like this one here.
Shoes: Slippers for christmas day, not party wear.
Gift to Give: I love giving home made pressies like photos or something that someone has wanted forever.
Lippy Colour: Red lippy.
Decorations: Beautiful christmas tree decorated with white lights and lots of prettiness.
How do you celebrate Christmas: My family and i start the day off with a brekkie of scrambled egg and salmon topped with bubbles, before we open up our presents. A little walk on the seafront with the pup and the family, then back to the warm to get all glammed up. The family then turn up for christmas dinner, followed by games and alcohol. Rounding up the day with dads Turkey sandwiches, more drinking and more games.


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