Christmas 2016 At Lush

Christmas is our absolute fave time at Lush and in general, but also at Lush. So we thought it’s about time we tell you all about this years fave products from the Lush Christmas range. Half of them are our Christmas faves and the other half are brand spanking new to us. So if you love Lush as much as we do – read on and then get yourself to Lush in town before they sell out. We’re seriously stocking up this year – we’ll be using the Luxury Lush Pud up until May at this rate.

Father Christmas bath bomb
Believe it or not, we haven’t tried this bath bomb yet – we got really annoyed with last years running Santa because the sales assistant said he ran on water – which he did not. Ha ha! What we love about this one is that it smells like sweets!  You could probably get about 3 baths out of this, but if you’re anything like us, you like to have that £4 and use the whole bath bomb as well.

Luxury Lush Pud bath bomb
This bath bomb is an absolute firm favourite and we wish that we could have it all year round. This bath bomb is perfect for unwinding after a very long day at work. It has Lavender in it – hence the use before bed – but it doesn’t smell too much like it. We really aren’t fans of the smell of lavender – we love the benefits but hate the smell. This bath bomb however does the trick. The colours are amazing which is a bit of a bonus.

Snow Fairy bath melt 
We obviously bought this bath bomb for the glitter, but what we didn’t know was that it is so so so moisturising – you don’t even need to get the body butter out afterwards. We have absolutely no idea whats in it – other than glitter – but we’ve tagged it for you so that you can check out the ingredients.

Magic Wand bubble bar 
We’re not going to lie, we only bought this because it was pink and glittery – also it smelt so good. This Magic Wand bubble bar is reusable – which is great news for some of you. We don’t like leaving the star looking shriveled and sad so we just use it all – for one bubbly bath. And don’t forget to make a wish.

Mistletoe bath bomb
This is a new one to us thats for sure – we don’t remember ever seeing it before. Have you guys? As everything else that we have picked up this bath bomb is pretty sweet which is what we love. Also it’s pink – see a pattern here? It leaves the bath the nicest shade of pink with hints of green whilst it fizzes away. We can’t wait to buy this again.

Snowie bubble bar
We bought Snowie purely because he was shaped like a snowman and also maybe because he was quite shimmery. This bubble bar produces way more than the others – not sure why – maybe it’s just luck.

Which ones will you be trying out? 


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