Cancelled (But Not Forgotten) Meads Magic

Cancelled (but not forgotten) Meads Magic

What a year 2020 has been so far troops. We know most things have now been cancelled and we’ve been working at home for an age, but we didn’t really think it would still be here by Christmas. But we guess, no one really knows. With that being said – the event thats kicks off Eastbourne’s Christmas festivities has been cancelled – sob.

They released a statement on Facebook saying

It is with great sadness that we have to announce that Meads Magic will not take place in 2020. We have delayed making a final decision until now on the basis that because of the change of team last year we didn’t really begin the serious work until August. We have been in regular contact with the Council’s events team plus their consultant on health and safety since March in the hope that the situation would change and we could find some way for it to go ahead.

Our initial thoughts were to focus only on the street market without Santa’s Grotto, the school choirs, the parade, etc but it is clear now that this would be unwise. The underlying problem is the narrowness of Meads Street itself which would make social distancing difficult even if the event was stripped down to just a street market. It is also doubtful whether enough people would risk coming out to make it worthwhile. Talks of things getting worse as the weather becomes colder, second spikes, the threat of local lockdowns, the fact that organising team plus practically all our marshals are over retirement age and could be vulnerable – have combined to give us no alternative but to cancel it.

We feel very sad this about this, but we will do our best to make the next Meads Magic planned for Friday 26 November 2021, bigger and better than ever.

So sad, but here’s to 2021.

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