Two Reasons You Have To Go To 7Bone Burger This December

Two reasons you have to go to 7Bone Burger this December

1. Yippee-Ki-Yay Motherclucker
Inside this you will find turkey, pig in blanket patty, smashed roasties, stuffing’n’gravy mayo, smoked cranberry sauce + stuffing’n’crackling crumbs brought to you in Texas toast with extra mother-clucking gravy. We mean how incredible does that sound! Actually can’t wait to try it over the weekend. Unreal.

2. Roast purr-tay-toes
Not 100% sure that, that is the name for the crispy roast potato special but we’ll go with it. It is smashed roasties with stuffing crumbs + gravy – the picture looks amazing. What’s not to love about smashed crispy roast potatoes and a whole lotta gravy. Also a must have side for the Yippee-Ki-Yay Motherclucker – obviously.

Images via the 7Bone Burger Facebook page here.

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