7 Ways To Keep Your Dogs Calm And Relaxed This Bonfire Season

Top tips to get your pups ready for the fireworks by animal behaviourist Martyn Blackmore from Thousand Oaks Pet Behaviour.

1. Get your dogs gradually acclimatised to the sound of fireworks by downloading firework noise, and playing it whilst your dog is doing something it enjoys.

2. Never walk your dog after dark regardless of how steady it is. It will only take one rogue firework to upset your pet.

3. Close curtains and windows and turn the TV/Radio up in rooms your dog may use.

4. Open a cupboard/Wardrobe so if your pet chooses to hideaway it has the opportunity. If it does hideaway then just use comforting words and leave the dog where it chooses to be, don’t be tempted to lure it somewhere that may increase stress.

5. Act as normal as you can around your dog and have plenty of good treats available to reinforce the sense of ‘all’s ok’

6. Feed your dog before dusk and always have plenty of water available. It’s unlikely your dog will want to eat if scared but anxiety can cause increased thirst.

7. Only medicate your dog if you have had your pet vet checked.

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