3 For 2 At Boots

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Boots is well known for it’s 3 for 2 offers, so much so, that we’re almost reluctant to buy anything when the offer isn’t around. This week though, we accidentally found ourselves in the make up aisles, with the 3 for 2 plastered all over the place, so that one eye liner we went in for turned into quite a few more purchases. The one’s we’re most excited by our these make up goodies. Rimmel’s Brow This Way, which we have been so excited to try after it’s had such rave reviews. Collection 2000’s lasting perfection concealer (see review here) and Seventeen’s Instant Glow Shimmer Brick , which we have high hopes for in the shape if Bobbi Brown’s shimmer brick. We’re hoping it’s a perfect dupe, we’ll keep you posted on that one. We’re going back tomorrow for some more goodies, hopefully in the form of Shape and Glorys range.

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